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Program Committee

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Cindy Southworth (CFP co-chair) leads the Safety Net Project which focuses on all things technology, privacy, and victim safety at the National Network to End Domestic Violence in Washington, DC. Having participated in the past 8 CFPs, Cindy is honored to be co-chairing this year's CFP.

Jay Stanley (CFP co-chair) is the public education director for the American Civil Liberties Union Technology and Liberty Program, where he researches, writes and speaks about privacy and civil liberties issues related to technology. Reports authored and co-authored by Stanley include “Bigger Monster, Weaker Chains,” “The Surveillance Industrial Complex,” “No Competition,” and “What’s Wrong With Fusion Centers.” Recently Stanley was the principal editor of “Actions for Restoring America: Repairing the Damage to Freedom in America After Bush,” which details how President Obama can revive constitutional values and respect for the rule of law.

John Cohen

Lillie Coney is Associate Director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) in Washington, DC. Ms. Coney has an extensive background in coalition building and development. She serves as the Coordinator for the Privacy Coalition an EPIC project. The Privacy Coalition has over 40 organizations and affiliates, representing a broad political spectrum, who share a commitment to freedom and privacy rights. Guest of the Coalition include Chairs of the Federal Trade Commission, as well as, the Civil Liberties Protection Officer for the Office of National Intelligence, the former Executive Director and Vice Chair of the Privacy & Civil Liberties Oversight Board. Ms. Coney also coordinates campaigns for the Privacy Coalition effort most notable was an education and participation project around the Defense Department's database on all 16-25 year-olds and the Stop the REAL ID Campaign.

Lenny Foner

Cynthia Fraser is a Technology Safety Specialist at the Safety Net Project of the National Network to End Domestic Violence. Her work addresses how technology impacts privacy, safety, accessibility and civil rights for victims of domestic violence, sexual violence, stalking and abuse. She tracks emerging issues and provides international multidisciplinary trainings, policy advocacy and technical assistance to communities and systems. Over her lifetime, her jobs have often involved harnessing technology to do effective social justice, violence intervention and prevention work including at the VAWnet, the National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women of the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, the Institute for Women's Policy Research, and locally at shelter, hotline, school, health clinic, and court settings.

Wendy Grossman is a freelance technology writer based in London.

Robert Guerra heads a new Global Internet Freedom Initiative at Freedom House. The initiative aims to analyze the state of internet freedom, to expand the use of anti-censorship technologies, to build support networks for citizens fighting against online repression and to focus greater international attention on the growing threats to users’ rights.

Robert is also one of the founding directors of Privaterra - an ongoing project of the SAGE Charitable foundation that works with non governmental organizations to assist them with issues of data privacy, secure communications, information security, Internet Governance and internet Freedom. He is often invited to speak at events to share the challenges being faced by social justice organizations in regards to surveillance, censorship and privacy.

He advises numerous non-profits, foundations and international organizations, including Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR), Taking IT Global, DiploFoundation's Internet Governance and Policy Capacity Building Programme, The Open Net Initiative and The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers's Security and Stability Advisory Committee - to name a few

Jim Harper, Director of Information Policy Studies at the Cato Insititute and Webmaster of

Gus Hosein is a Senior Fellow at Privacy International and a Visiting Senior Fellow at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Deborah Hurley

Jeff Jonas is Chief Scientist, IBM Entity Analytics Group and an IBM Distinguished Engineer. The IBM Entity Analytics Group was formed based on technologies developed by Systems Research & Development (SRD), founded by Jonas in 1984, and acquired by IBM in January, 2005. Jonas designs next generation technology that helps organizations better leverage their enterprise-wide information assets. With particular interest in real-time “sensemaking” these innovative systems fundamentally improve enterprise intelligence which makes organizations smarter, more efficient and highly competitive. Jonas periodically testifies on privacy in such venues as the White House before the President’s Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, the Department of Homeland Security’s Data Privacy and Integrity Advisory Committee, and other federally convened commissions. Jeff Jonas blogs at:

John Kropf

Paul Levy

Melissa Ngo is a Privacy and Information Policy Consultant and the publisher of Privacy Lives, "monitoring the pulse of privacy." Prior to publishing Privacy Lives, Ngo was Senior Counsel and Director of the Identification and Surveillance Project at the Electronic Privacy Information Center, a non-profit research education center in Washington, DC. At EPIC, she worked on a variety of civil liberty issues, such as anonymity, camera surveillance, terrorist watch lists, and medical privacy. She also directed the EPIC law student internship program and the Amicus Curiae Brief project. Melissa Ngo also was a Visiting Scholar at the ACLU’s Technology and Liberty Program, where she worked on border security, camera surveillance, DNA, open government, and international privacy, among other issues. She is the author of a chapter entitled You Are Being Watched But Not Protected: The Myth of Security Under Camera Surveillance in the book “Intersection: Sidewalks & Public Space” and also co-authored a white paper on the national identification debate, "REAL ID Implementation Review: Few Benefits, Staggering Costs."

Stephanie Perrin

Jon Pincus is a strategist, writer, and activist. Professionally, he was founder and CTO of Intrinsa and spent 6 years in Microsoft Research focused on software engineering, security, and computer science as a social science before a tumultous 18-month role as General Manager of Strategy Development in online services (MSN/Windows Live). Since leaving Microsoft in 2007 he has focused primarily on writing Tales from the Net, a book about social networks co-authored with 2005 CFP Chair Deborah Pierce, and grassroots activism campaigns including Get FISA Right, Voter Suppression Wiki, and Twitter Vote Report. At past CFPs, he has spoken or helped organize panels on topics including voter databases, e-Deceptive campaign practices, social networks, hate speech, and trolls. This year, he is vice-chair for online visibility. Jon blogs at Liminal States and elsewhere on social networks, civil liberties, software engineering and computer security, feminism, and hangs out a lot on Facebook,, and free-association.

Jules Polonetsky

Bruce Schneier

Ari Schwartz is the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT). Schwartz's work focuses on increasing individual control over personal and public information. He promotes privacy protections in the digital age and expanding access to government information via the Internet. He regularly testifies before Congress and Executive Branch Agencies on these issues. Schwartz also leads the Anti-Spyware Coalition (ASC) , anti-spyware software companies, academics, and public interest groups dedicated to defeating spyware. In 2006, Schwartz won the RSA award for Excellence in Public Policy for his work building the ASC and other efforts against spyware. He was also named one of the Top 5 influential IT security thinkers of 2007 by Secure Computing Magazine. Schwartz currently serves as a member of the Department of Commerce National Institute of Standards and Technology Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board and the State of Ohio Chief Privacy Officer Advisory Committee.

Tim Sparapani

Elizabeth Stark

Frank Torres